Pretty Darn Good
25 March 2024
Never having seen the animated version, I had no expectations going into this. I didn't even know what the storyline was until I read it on Netflix. On viewing the first episode, I was totally hooked and binge watched the rest of the series. Here are my thoughts.

The good: Great visuals, great CGI, compelling story, and characters you can actually like (unlike so many shows these days). Add to that some very good action sequences and fast paced storytelling, and you pretty much have a recipe for success.

The bad: As with so many other shows, the writers do not seem to know how to write a great season finale... it wasn't terrible, but it was unsatisfying. Additionally, the acting and dialog suffered at times, particularly with the Aang and the firebender princess (can't remember her name).

Conclusion: I thought this was a very good effort and well worth watching. I'm looking forward to season two.
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