I might have expected too much
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The last Ghostbusters movie was surprisingly good, but now on a second thought, it was probably due to nostalgic reason, especially when those old gang showed up together unexpectedly.

This one, apparently they were not even trying to hide the plot, we all know Bill Murray will be there, and everyone else.

The problem is, the story is just too weak. No character development anymore. There is no strong conflict to build up twist and tension. The villain is pathetic and the last fight is so forgettable. Whatever reason, the so-called fire master is just suddenly awaken. This movie doesn't know what story line to focus, or which character to build.

Personally, I am disappointed, but maybe I was expecting too much. I really like this franchise and Paul Rudd, please have a much better story next time.
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