Honestly, nothing new
24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If anyone's worked in showbiz or in proximity to it, or knew people involved in it, you hear the usual stories. Behind the moviemaking magic is the cutthroat world where stars are made and dusted literally overnight.

You hear the same story in the music business: artists plucked from obscurity are brought into the orbit of a big shot producers who hold the keys to the kingdom, and hold power over basically everyone in their orbit. This power dynamic means producers/managers would do a lot of shady, inappropriate things, but since everyone's pretty much stuck in this position where this gig is the only thing paying their bills-they don't want to rock the boat or else they're out of showbiz for good.

This is the reason the "casting couch" and child exploitation has been rampant in the business-even to this day, not much has changed besides people being more aware of what happens behind the scenes-or how the Mob would put it-"how sausage is made."

At this point it's no surprise whenever a former or current Hollywood bigshot comes out with skeletons in his or her closet like it's a requirement for the job. It's a big surprise when there isn't one who doesn't have any lol.

Honestly, the first two episodes felt more like reaches when it came to accusations against Dan. Yep, he's a bit weird, makes sexual references toward children and is bipolar as heck.

Oh, he made two freshmen female writers share a salary, that seems shady. But then again we've got people who work retail who are paid by commission with no base salary whatsoever.

Oh, he sat in a jacuzzi with teenage Amanda Bynes while she's in a bathing suit and he's fully clothed. Umm...okay?? I feel like I was being TOLD That that scene was inappropriate. But it just wasn't. Again, felt like a reach.

Oh he harped on that one girl who brought a huge birthday cake for her cast to share. Mean spirited, no doubt, but not much of a smoking gun.

He received head massages from just female coworkers on set. Odd yeah, but not much else.

This docuseries sets out to make Dan out to be the Winstein of child entertainment when he ...just isn't.

Yes, he was on some weird stuff and difficult to work with but the heinous accusations of pedophilia weren't even directed toward Dan, but toward two underlying producers and Nick's inability to perform background checks on known sexual offenders being hired over and over again for entertainment projects that put them in proximity to children.

Other than that, the bulk of the series focuses on the usual kids being overworked in showbiz. Similar accusations were made against the recent upcoming Star Wars project SKELECTON CREW and there're bound to be more stories of that coming to light in the future.

Kids that work in showbiz have always been a conundrum. Since they're working basically full time jobs at like age 8 on top of being a kid, and that's a recipe for disaster. But just like the docuseries highlighted, most if not ALL of these child actors and actress were the main breadwinners for their families, and thus, they put them at the whims of producers like Dan.

I'm not sure what this docuseries set out to achieve. We don't learn any new information. Shady producers dude doing shady things isn't necessary anything new, and unfortunately, Hollyweird is loaded with these sorts of people and probably always will be.
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