Just because you can make a film, doesn't mean you should
24 March 2024
With the help of the the crew's grandparents and the local church's am-dram group, "Star Warrior" brings you an incomprehensible affront to the art of film.

The writer of the script must have been told "You can't just take every Sci-fi trope you've heard of and put it in a script" and instead of taking that as solid advice, saw it as a personal challenge. Whoever edited the sound, clearly felt the same and did their absolute best to make sure you can barely hear the dialogue. They evidently had help from whoever did the editing, whom, so.vehemently wanted you to look away from the film, they decided to assault viewers with an array of every possible colour filter they could find. That or a black filter, because obviously Granddad Dave in the main cast couldn't stay up late enough to film any scenes at night.

To whoever made the spaceship scenes, I'm sorry to hear your kickstarter for your retro game fell through, but I am happy you still had chance to use the animations you built for the trailer.
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