Resident Evil 5 (2009 Video Game)
A fear you can't forget
23 March 2024
The last installment in the Resident Evil video game franchise was Resident Evil 4 (2005), my favorite so far in the series, I was hoping that the next game Resident Evil 5 (2009) would be at least as good as the fourth game; though Resident Evil 5 (2009) is not as good as the game before it, it was enjoyable and fun enough to play despite the issues it has while playing. Resident Evil 5 (2009) was enjoyable to play with its good graphics, likable enough main characters, gameplay mechanics that can be difficult at first but easy to understand as you progress, and occasionally there will be an unintended funny line of dialogue; the game mostly has issues with the co-op controls when controlling your partner, and the fact it feels less like a survival horror game and more like an adventure game with horror elements in it.

I like being able to play as Chris Redfield again since the first game, and that he is trying to find his old partner and stop Albert Wesker, who is involved in some way; the main premise just involves him trying to defeat and escape the current virus situation going on in Africa and other areas, but also, he is a likable character you like playing as. Chris's newer partner Sheva Alomar is tagging along on your mission and can help you out a lot during many battles, but mostly she was hard to control her with the weird co-op controls and use/switch weapons with her during many boss fights or just shooting infected people; other than that, Sheva and Chris Redfield work well together throughout the game.

The gameplay mechanics take some getting used to once you start the game, but once you know what to do, you will get the hang of it along with it keeping the same over the shoulder camera shot of the characters making it easier to move around and see things near you; the graphics while playing and in the cutscenes are good, but sometimes the lines of dialogue did not look like it was synced up to the lip movements, and there can be unintentionally funny cutscenes. The co-op controls were what made it difficult to move my partner around the room, swap items and weapons, and trying to heal each other whenever we can; she made things difficult when trying to get past infected zombies and virus monsters, solving puzzles, or trying to help each other when being attacked. Lastly, I wish the game were more survival horror focused than adventure focused with horror elements, though the adventure tone in this game was fine, I just wanted this game to be more like the other Resident Evil games.

Resident Evil 5 (2009) was not as good as the video game Resident Evil 4 (2005), which you can say makes this game disappointing, but I still enjoyed playing it regardless despite the issues with the co-op, the tone of the game, and an occasional thing going wrong because of the mechanics; the game has good graphics, it is fun, it is difficult but easy to understand, and it has likable playable characters. This worth playing at least once, but if you want a better experience, play Resident Evil 4 (2005) and you have more fun with it; Resident Evil 5 (2009) is not bad, but it is not the best, it is just enjoyable enough to get a good enough experience from it.
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