The Regime (2024)
As someone from a post-communist country, I'm pleasantly surprised
22 March 2024
I have to say I expected it to be way worse, and after watching 3 episodes I'm pleasantly surprised. Being from a post-communist country, I can definitely sense the satire and sarcasm of this show. They managed to portray the absurdity of dictatorships and its dictators pretty well. It reminds me of Lukashenko's Belarus or Ceausescu's Romania. I liked the subtle references to certain people and events. The "reunification" thing is basically what happened in Crimea, the Corporal practically became Elena's Rasputin for a while, and the whole "rural craze" was a spot on too, as such things really happened in my country during communism, not to mention faking some pseudo-historical theories of one's origin to boost their egos ("The Foundling"). I have to admit I am quite entertained, intrigued and want to watch more. Lastly, I will say that I'm not really surprised at the low rating, as there is many things about this show that your typical western audience simply wouldn't get.
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