Answers The Question - Did Noah's Flood Really Happen
21 March 2024
Wasn't sure what to expect going into this but I found it to be very interesting and well done. From a sceptical perspective it truly offers a fair comparison between evolution and creation.

I will warn that you can't walk away from this movie without seeing the whole world differently. With all of the facts and historical data, you are going to be challenged to decide whether to believe the science that changes every week or the word of God that has never changed.

This film will does an excellent job of highlighting historical fossil record evidence left behind by the global flood in the Bible. Even points to scientific facts that prove that Noah's story is the only conceivable conclusion.

The video work, photo animations and illustrations are creative, and carefully make each point clear. Direction is thoughtfully defined and although it's a documentary the scenes are woven together perfectly.

This film will benefit many who see it.
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