Fitfully funny farce
19 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Bob Monkhouse and Alfred Marks play a couple of brothers who, enraged on finding out their Italian cousin 'Toni' ( the stunning Anna Karina ) has inherited their late aunt's fortune, set out either to marry or murder her. Marriage is out of the question; she does not fancy either of them, so they decide on murder. There then follows a string of unsuccessful murder attempts. Directed by Robert Asher, whose other credits include several Noman Wisdom movies and Morecambe and Wise's first picture 'The Intelligence Men', this benefits from the offbeat casting of Monkhouse ( cast against type as a snivelling coward ) and Marks, and is assisted by the presence of Hattie Jacques, Clive Dunn, Graham Stark, and Peter Butterworth. Asher fills the film with some strange visual touches, including a revolving fireplace, billiard balls that fly about like rockets, and an out of control boulder. There's even an animated flying saucer!

50's heart-throb Dennis Lotis plays 'Gilbert', the brothers' butler, and it doesn't take a genius to work out that the story will end with Toni running off with him to Corsica. Predictable yes, corny yes, but its a lot of fun and infinitely more watchable than any of today's movies such as 'Barbie' and 'Floppenheimer'.
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