Review of Monk

Monk (2002–2009)
Quirks R Us
19 March 2024
Monk is an American television detective show, that I caught on the box some years ago, that I haven't seen for years, but when I saw it listed on Netflix, I simply couldn't resist rewatching it. What makes it all the more enjoyable, is that I cannot remember any of the episodes, so it feels like rewatching them.

Monk is a detective series that I got into fairly quickly, it didn't take that many episodes to get hooked on it, I enjoy such shows although, most of them do happen to have been, made in the United Kingdom.

I have got into only a few American cop/detective series, ones that for some reason stand out from the invariable formula.

I had seen Tony Shalhoub as an actor, in the family movie Paulie, as the character of a Russian janitor, Misha Vilyenikov.

It is a while since I saw the film, but I do remember enjoying it, and in particular his performance.

I was surprised when I saw an ad for Monk, it was seeing his face that I recognised from the movie, so initially I decided to watch because he was in it, and I wanted to see something else that he had done.

He is a prime reason for me to watch the show, because I think that he is absolutely brilliant, Monk is such an apparent basket case, and Tony Shalhoub manages to encapsulate, each and every nervous tick that the character possesses.

I don't recall seeing any of the, other actors in any other show, but they all fit their characters like the proverbial glove, especially Bitty Schram as Sharona Fleming.

She is absolutely perfectly cast in her role, and just so tasty that no one, would ever guess that she was with Adrian Monk. I would love to know her character's back story, to see how the heck she got lumbered with Monk.

Her character works so well together with Monk, and he trusts and relies on her, far too much for either of their own good, especially for her son Benjy Fleming (Kane Ritchotte)
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