Not Funny + Not Scary = Fail
17 March 2024
I see a lot of glowing reviews for this movie and either we saw a different movie, or I'm on drugs, or all of them are, but I do not agree at all. I think maybe they are all involved in making this movie themselves, or loving family and friends. How else can you justify giving this turkey anything near a 10/10. Seriously these people think this movie is perfect?

I feel like the director must have made this right after watching Dead Alive and walked away from that movie thinking that all you have to do is make a lot of fake blood and spill it everywhere and it automatically makes a movie funny, scary and interesting.

The problem is, Dead Alive was actually a funny script and well shot. It gave us stuff to keep us interested. Here for Blood is a poor excuse for a movie that has no laughs at all in it. We did not even smile once. All we did was keep checking the "time remaining" to see how much longer it would go on. It also was not scary, and the large amounts of obviously fake blood don't add any kind of enjoyment at all, it's just there because they thought it would be automatically interesting somehow.

If anyone told me that someone could somehow make a movie about a home invasion with a wrestler vs. A cult and have it not be one bit funny or good on any level, I would have thought they were crazy. How could this be possible? Yet here it is, a total dud of a movie that practically bored us to sleep.

Some of the actors were decent. But that's about the only good thing I can say about this one. We even hated the music, which I'm sure they either made themselves or got for free.

Horror and/or comedy fans trust me when I say do not waste your time on this one!
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