Good Grief - My Prime Subscription paid for this rubbish!?
17 March 2024
There's only one thing more stupid than the people who made this heap of rubbish - and that's me for a) paying Amazon in the first place and b) hoping that it might get better after the first episode!

I tried, I really tried but I was admittedly just too thick to stop watching it after the first US Admiral disobeyed a direct order and failed miserably to put a missile straight down the conning tower of the sub. But the fact that he wasn't immediately court marshalled just goes to show how far away from reality the producers really were.

The US Navy is unable to stop one submarine and then cannot hold its own personnel to account - who are they trying to kid? What's worse is that the same admiral then hums and haws his way through the later conflict and, once again, fails miserably.

The whole thing just falls down on just about every single technical fact, military tactic, political debate and is, basically, just like its main character - insane! But not as nuts as I was for watching it....
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