Review of The Puppetman

The Puppetman (2023)
Moves way too slow for the story it's telling.
17 March 2024
It's a bit of a meh movie. The pacing was just way too off in my opinion. The main character had this weird intensity to her sleepwalking and birds, yet no emotion attached to her childhood and fostered upbringing so was really hard to get on her side.

Plus the fact that all 3 female lead characters (out of 5 = 3F + 2M) had androgynous names felt forced: Michal (pronounced Michael), Charlie and Jo. Not only does it create confusion at the start when they're referring to people that aren't in the room, it feels like pandering whilst trying to teach us a lesson on gender norms. It takes you completely out of the movie and it was the first thing others said when I was asking what they though of the movie. We get it, names are not gender specific! Problem is an 90min movie is not life and not a book, so it doesn't work well having all your female characters named that way.
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