The Way Home (2023– )
Some acting good, some pretty bad (Andie McDowell I'm looking at you)
17 March 2024
This show is fun especially seeing characters played at different ages. The younger actors are good and their story lines make sense but the older characters are annoying and their motivations make no sense. It doesn't help that some of them are absolutely terrible actors - ie. Andie McDowell. I don't know if the writers mean her character to be an absolute harridan and nasty bully to her daughter, but she sure does come across that way. She is so nasty that you are stressed when she is interacting with her granddaughter because you think she's about to snap and you're thinking she is just so two-faced. But luckily her airtime isn't that much and you can even fast forward over without losing any important plot. Yes, the plot is drawn out but that keeps the suspense going.
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