With all this racket, the lions will not sleep tonight.
16 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The very sexy Giuliano Gemma is an African adventurer, traveling around with his chimp sidekick Biba and joining forces with Ursulla Andress, a secret agent posing as a nun, determined to bring down criminal Jack Palance. He takes supplies to the tribal villages of the countryside, performs minor medical aide (finding a very funny way to pull out an impacted molar on a hysterically agitated tribesman) and deals with other assorted wacky situations while on the run from Palance's men.

One of the few feature length farces set in the African outback, it's not a great film but extremely amusing, especially for teenagers. They'll laugh at the two amorous plump women who are actually dancers and threaten to destroy a stage as they clomp around looking like giant bottles of Pepto Bismol. Andress, looking gorgeous in her white habit, is pretty feisty herself and no nonsense in how she fights. Biba is adorable, but sound effects of various other animals including elephants and lions is disappointing when you don't see them.
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