Know your history...
16 March 2024
To any one saying that the settlers weren't devious or that natives before settlers came were savages need to learn a couple things, 1:No real attempt was made to understand Tisquantum or Native culture, particularly religion. The closest that Governor William Bradford got in analyzing him was to say "that Tisquantum sought his own ends and played his own game, ... to enrich himself". 2: The annual growing season in southern Maine and Canada was not long enough to produce maize harvests. Indian tribes in those areas were required to live a fairly nomadic existence, while the southern New England Algonquins were "sedentary cultivators" by contrast. They grew enough for their own winter needs and for trade, especially to northern tribes, and enough to relieve the colonists' distress for many years when their harvests were insufficient. Meaning basically that Bradford had to deal with the natives and undersold their involvement in settling the land and feeding the people. I kinda see where you might think the Indians were evil, keeping people alive like that...good movie and Adam Beach was excellent in his first movie.
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