A tired, played out gag with nothing new to say
16 March 2024
There's only so many times you can repeat the same 'white people so fragile' joke before it gets stale, and The American Society of Magical Negroes forms its entire foundation around it. It says absolutely nothing new or profound about racism, and right from the jump, you know exactly where it's headed. The new recruit, played by Justice Smith, has to tend to a white male who's down on his luck, and he meets an Armenian woman in a coffee shop and falls in love with her. In order to keep the white man happy, the recruit must surrender his feelings in order to make his white client happier, lest he ends up destroying the entire foundation the Society is set upon.

I was in the auditorium with one other man, and not a single one of us were genuinely entertained by what was going on (the other dude was just messing around on his phone). I ended up walking out an hour in because I knew where it was going and it wasn't going to get any better, and I highly suggest staying as far away from this one as possible.
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