All that we are, on a single bagel
14 March 2024
It felt like the best film of the 21nd century a year ago, and it still does. Surrounded by things of cosmic scale and greeted by infinities and singularities, it is a breath of fresh air to be seen for what we are - just specks of dust with no more than a few moments in time when it all makes sense.

Everything Everywhere All at Once - it's more than just a catchy name. It's what this film makes you feel and experience. Like an emotional therapy session, it uncovers everything that you try to ignore or ridicule or push away in your life. All the confusion, anger, sadness and loneliness that we've lived through and decided to brush off as the necessary price to pay for this journey of existence.

I see this film as the biggest "I feel seen" moment of the Gen X and Millennial generation. Trapped between the rigidity of the boomer era and cryptic nature of Gen Z, we may think that we're the only ones who understand what's really going on. And yet we're as lost as anyone else, and while we recognise the need to discover ourselves and to acknowledge the toxic legacy we took in through generational trauma, we're just as clueless when it comes to not letting it go further down the line.

When Christopher Nolan mixed that message of "love is the strongest force in the universe" into Interstellar, I found it pathetic and absolutely out of place. Yet now, years since, it's so clear that no matter what universe we belong to and what circumstances carry us, the only language that unites us all is the language of kindness. Kindness to all that comes your way. Even when it hurts. And, just like one year ago when I cried my eyes out watching this film for the first time, when the credits start rolling I find myself feeling inner peace. And hope. Hope that, even though life is a messy ride through all that noise, and even though you have no idea where you'll end up, it's still okay, and you're not alone in your struggle.
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