Starcrash (1978)
Ridiculous and pretty entertaining
14 March 2024
See Caroline Munro in a series of Barbarella inspired sexy outfits! Watch Marjoe Gortner navigate a whole movie sporting a bubble perm! Witness David Hasselhoff in a light-sabre battle against a couple of stop-motion robots! Be amazed as Joe Spinel chews up the entire galaxy with extreme over-acting! Be impressed as Christopher Plummer picks up a large paycheck for an afternoon's work!

This is one of the many sci-fi films which appeared in the wake of Star Wars. This one is one of that more specific demographic - the Italian Star Wars rip-off. I've seen a few of these, all of which seem to have been directed by Alfonso Brescia, all of which share the commonalities of featuring android villains who look like Brian Jones from the Rolling Stones circa 1968 and being absolute garbage. Starcrash, appears like 2001: A Space Odyssey in direct comparison to these. It seems to have more budget for one thing but it also has a better cast (see above) and sports a John Barry soundtrack. Its trump card, however, is probably the character Stella Star - i.e. Caroline Munro in Barbarella mode. She is a memorably sultry character and certainly makes this space opera a lot more watchable than it otherwise would be. Luigi Cozzi directs and he certainly has an affinity with the sci-fi/fantasy genre at least and was the man who helmed the later ridiculous but fun Hercules movie with Lou Ferrigno in the lead. Starcrash is pretty ropey but its quite a bit of fun as well and sort of like what would happen if you were to combine Star Wars, Barbarella and Jason and the Argonauts and then cast it with a disproportionately high number of cast members sporting perms. There's also encounters with Amazons and Cavemen, space police and a Death Star equivalent which looks like a giant fist. Quite a lot of fun in other words, so long as you keep your expectations realistic.
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