13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I came into the movie thinking, ok, an independent, possibly supernatural thriller/horror featuring rich people getting messed with in the woods. Something I can wrapy head around. What I got was some kind of thinly veiled christian propaganda that would have been halfway decent to watch had it not been for the awful soundtrack, poor writing, and mid-level acting.

Generally speaking, ending a story like this usually includes maybe a lesson learned by those involved. Instead, the people who made the movie gave us one protagonist who murders his best friend, another who just totally finds it cool to sacrifice the fetus they're carrying for a religion they initially didn't believe in, and "god" rewarding them for attempting the sacrifice by, you guessed it, the Abraham special (ie, basically just saying "jk, don't do that" right before the guys swings a log at his wife's uterus). *Fade to black

But that wasn't enough. Instead, they finish with the protagonists back home in Brooklyn with the 8 year old the woman was apparently carrying the whole movie in her womb. It's his birthday, and as a special treat, daddy reads from the book of Job.

To be fair, the acting was pretty good aside from the "farm ladies" and the best friend at the beginning. But the writing painted the actors into some very tight, sometimes just awful corners. Not to mention making the entire point of the movie being redemption after sacrificing something you love, then just letting the two main characters off without sacrificing anything.

The woods ARE real, and this film should be buried in the most remote part...
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