Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Assassin (2010)
Season 3, Episode 7
Promising at first, but repetitive by the end
13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of Ahsoka receiving incomplete visions of Padme being assassinated is, on paper, compelling. At first, I thought the episode was going to be about Ahsoka having to use inductive and/or deductive reasoning to put together when and where Padme may be assassinated in order to prevent it. Instead, we get Ahsoka slowly drip fed all of the clues through her visions. By the time we get to the scene where the assassin is about to attempt to kill her, it is easily thwarted since Ahsoka has all of the answers. When the second attempt occurs, it also is pretty easy for Ahsoka to deduce that the assassin realized that she and Padme had set up a decoy robot.

I do like that the episode features extensive use of the Jedi ability to look in to the future since we haven't seen a lot of that in the series. I also liked that the episode spent a little of time establishing Ahsoka and Padme as having a little and big sister relationship respectively. As usual with this show, it often has the seeds of good ideas and then squanders them on predictable cat and mouse or army vs army plotlines.
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