A breath of fresh air for the fantastic French.
13 March 2024
The animal kingdom is a film that does good, already it is a new proof that when French fantasy cinema dares, it is. Imperfect also, yes, some dialogue and situation are not perfectly credible with some biases in the history a little steep and fast, But we easily forgive him so much to see the real staging and endearing characters all in a scenario that surprises and surprises, offers a real breath of fresh air. Full of poetry, the story managed to do what we have been waiting for so long: a real fantasy film, not an American film antic.

My only regret, even if the casting is interesting, remains the director of actor who at times is a really little right especially with the character of Émile and Julia (Adèle Exarchopoulos), Romain Duris is as for him and as often, impeccable. So yes the dialogues are not always well written and it's even quite surprising, because the film is doing very well at other times. In short, it is a bit irregular and it is a bit of a shame, like its history which does not always sound very realistic in the treatment of bugs in our society.

But the heart is elsewhere, the Animal Kingdom also chooses to be more poetic than realistic and it is little to be for better to avoid some discomfort that could occur for the benefit of what it tells. He catches up in every way with a treatment much smarter than it seems, full of meaning with his quality staging. The special effects are superb, the story offers an intelligent look that takes the guts (personally I really hooked from half) with a touch of humor well dosed. A little like the main character who assumes himself, the film seems to follow the same path, when he becomes himself, he touches with the finger what we hoped for more with French fantasy cinema: to tell something powerful and authentic without overbidding. Sign of our time, emphasis of our time on our own metamorphosis, it is a real moment of unexpected freedom that makes a crazy good.
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