Nice story
12 March 2024
The Tubi algorithm sent me on a slew of inspirational sports movies. This one was pretty good. Not sure why I have to write 500 characters, but here goes. As the Reverend Donny Mcklurkin said on the great Precious Memories album, some music is not gospel, but it is inspirational. I don't know what "good news" we are supposed to take from a precocious girl dying at a young age. Her mom died of cancer 12 days later. Man, talk about a heavy burden. My buddy's house burned down in a California wildfire the same year his wife died of cancer. At least she helped design the new house before she passed. OK, 500 character limit hit, so I can say what I wanted to say-- In 1000 years, the space aliens will visit our planet and try to figure out why we were so worried about nuclear weapons, when some idiot in a third-world country CRISPERed up a virus that killed us all. The aliens will sift through our entire cultural history. And after much review, they will realize that the high point of our culture was when the TV show Monk had the Randy Disher Project performing "I don't need a badge". Randy is the assistant coach in this movie. It's worth watching just for that. Also note that calls for a helmet law after this nice girl died are sort of futile. Anything over 13mph and you are dead, helmet or no helmet. I took Google street view down her path, and was wondering why she was in the left lane gutter when she hit the curb that threw her into that tree in the median strip. Maybe she hit the right curb and swerved all the way across both lanes and then into the median. Shame either way. I suspect she was so nice she didn't want to hold up traffic, so she was hugging the curb. Well, I guess I didn't need to pad in that beginning stuff since I would have hit 500 characters anyway, but I am too lazy to go change it now.
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