Women's Lib Gang
12 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A Rolling Thunder picture? Isn't that the title of a Tommy Lee Jones movie? One that I didn't enjoy.

I'm not familiar with one actress in this movie, but one chick in it is called Donut. I bet she plays the part of the homecoming queen.

By the looks of the first chick introduced, it's either Little Marie or Molly Ringwald's sister. I doubt it's Molly's, as she's not wearing pink. She's a little tough nut. Small in structure but has the biggest mouth. Those sorts are the worst.

'Switchblade Sisters' rolls it back to a time when there were no internet or smart phones, only instinct and street smarts. Your 'Grease' training only got you so far.

A repo man turns up armed and wanting repayments on an analog TV. Why the piece, fella?

The Switchblade Sisters are all graduates from 'Grease' but were rejected by 'The Warriors.' My how Little Marie looked up to Sandy and her Pink Angels but something went drastically wrong along the way, and innocence turned ugly on the B-side.

We're introduced to Donut quickly into the movie, and she's mocked in the fashion of 'Deliverance' by Little Marie.

Wow, these chicks aren't to be messed with.

They just kicked two bookworms out of a hamburger stand in the fashion of Biff Tannen telling George McFly to beat it. I bet the chef values his customers.

The Switchblade Sisters may have bossed the two dorks around, but one defiant solo artist defies their bullying and shames Eye Patch in front of their posse.

And that would be Linda Evangelista. No, no, it's not her; it's Mila Jovovich from the video game horror flops.

"Get your hands off the fruit, copper." The fruit?

The girls are sent to a reform school without trial, and the wardens running the show are literally bulls in appearance. What a lady the main guard is! It's a wonder she's not the prom queen in this and not Donut. Mila Jovovich is welcomed to prison life by having her head flushed down the toilet, which ruins all her L'Oréal mascara. In all the mayhem and chaos, the scene stealer is the big, man-sized fart dropped, which isn't ladylike. I had to rewind this scene.

Little Marie writes to her man a dreary love letter on the inside and get a gander at this verse. "Through these cold iron bars, my heart can see the twinkling stars."

I was under the impression that this movie would be a "women behind bars" movie, but the girls are all released after only half a night imprisoned and are no sooner back in class the next morning to bash students and torment teachers. Aren't they on parole? Wouldn't that assault on the Pogues lead man have put her right back behind bars?

I find it hard to believe that Little Marie is the ring leader of this gang of mean girls. And as if this Dominic "Silver Sword Dagger Dove" honcho would be enrolled in school. What is he, about 37?

What looks like David Lee Roth is the head of a gang called the Crabs. At the ripe old age of 45, he and his boys are transferred to the "Silver Sword Dagger Dove" gang's high school and must learn to share drug turf on school grounds. Even the principal is in on the act and wants a cut from both gangs.

David Lee Roth and the Crabs show up on day one dressed in their best disco duds, and um, where's your bags or books, boys? Didn't pack a lunch either?

Events turn deadly in no time when the Crabs roll on a biology student in a hippy Kombi van and abduct his assistant.

Little Marie throws a curve ball midway through the movie and announces she is carrying a child, which irks Dominic, so he denounces the relationship with harsh words exchanged and a split imminent. Their romance ends briefly but is rekindled with a little roller rink and automatic weapon murder to reunite their courtship.

Shouldn't they be home hitting the books?

I'm going to award the movie a few points for blasting Dominic out of the script with a sawn-off.

Little Marie confides in Eye Patch that she's really an undercover agent for the Crabs and sold out her own crew as payback out of jealousy.

It's amazing how they've suddenly stopped attending school.

Is this a Caucasian attempt at a Pam Grier Coffee Foxy Brown-type movie?

I think these chicks are all one shade away from being militia activists and freedom fighters.

Mila Jovovich takes over the "Silver Sword Dagger Doves" and recruits an underground Black Panther power movement.

An hour and 10 minutes into the movie, and Donut's still in the game. After all that automatic gun fire, she's still alive?

I don't know about anybody else, but I bags Eye Patch. "May I have this dance, ma'am?"

Little Marie has her charm and kind of reminds me of Linda Blair at times from that 'Heretic' sequel. But I don't know about her metallic Princess Leia ear buns.

Time out at the one hour and 13 minute mark. Time! This staged scene with all the gunfire on a street that looks like New York, even though I saw palm trees earlier in the movie, is not authentic street life. You ain't fooling anyone, movie; it's the backlots of Universal Studios. In fact, this entire scene is quite comical and not believable. No wonder they had to shoot it on a set with all this gun madness.

The Switchblade Sisters murder all of David Lee Roth's men, and a party is thrown in Donuts honor as she helps herself to a trucker-sized cake. "It's your birthday; it's your birthday. She's gonna eat cake like it's her birthday."

Little Marie and Mila Jovovich tango at the end with switchblades. The fight's pretty much 50/50 with each schoolgirl trading blows or blades, that is, until a silhouetted Mila Jovovich stabs the heretic girl directly in the Adam's apple. It's a nice touch showing it in shadow only and not going all 'Saw' like a movie would today.

What's really strange is that when Little Marie is stabbed and slowly goes down, so does the pen I'm using to write this review.

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