Frogman (2023)
Just another laughable found footage movie with shoddy camera work...
11 March 2024
When I stumbled upon the 2023 horror movie "Frogman", I was initially drawn in by the movie's cover. I have to admit that I found it rather interesting. I had never heard about the movie, so I didn't know what I was in for here from director Anthony Cousins.

Right, well had I known that this would be one of those dubious movies that is filmed on someone's dad's camera, complete with shoddy camera work all over the place, then I wouldn't have given it a time of day. I have to admit that I am not a fan of foud footage and movie that look and feel like they were made by a group of teenagers attending High School video club. And "Frogman" was exactly that.

The best part about "Frogman", aside from when it ended, definitely had to be the scene where Dallas brought out a flute and started randomly playing in the forest to lure out the frogman. Pure cinematic genius writing right there.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list. But, despite the questionable concept and shoddy camera work, then the acting performances in "Frogman" were actually fair enough. Fair is fair, and just because the presentation of the movie was a dumpster fire, then the actors and actresses deserve due credit.

The effects in "Frogman" were just as questionable as the rest of the movie. And whenever something even remotely good is about to happen or happening, lo and behold, the camera starts glitching and gets static. This is just lazy film making at its finest.

I will never become a fan of movies that are shot and presented in a way that is even more shoddy and questionable than what I can do with my own digital video camera. And "Frogman" was one such movie, so this was definitely not my cup of tea.

My rating of "Frogman" lands on a one out of ten stars.
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