Intriguing concept, horrible end
11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know that this was an adaptation when I started to watch it.

I already predicted that it was "only" six episodes long, after we finished the first. Because at the end, there isn't that much story to tell.

I wanted it to be deep and philosophical, I wanted for the characters to change. But nothing of it happened. The characters were as shallow as their world.

I hated the ending because the show itself felt pointless. Nothing changed at the end. And now this tragedy just felt hollow.

I would've liked for one more episode. Just a glimpse of what could happen afterwards. Some growth or even stagnation. But continuing with the status quo?

The worst thing though is the focus. The whole story was focused on the lives and failures of the men. They were the ones who made the plot happen. Which somehow leaves the wives even more shallow and hollow.

I hope the book is better, this adaptation is wasted potential.
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