Grantchester (2014–2024)
Great Series But Unbelievable
10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where to start. First, what police station would allow a Minister, Vicar, or Priest to assist solving crimes coming and going on a police station in secure personnel locations? As a Vicar at an English church, Sidney Chambers frequently practiced fornication with many different women that's ungodly for a man of God.

The PC train has pulled into Grantchester - and will no doubt ignore the reality of the era with its super soapy silly everybody's lovely depictions of racial and sexual tensions.

I had an issue with a Black and White the fact that the romance occurred (though to the extent that it did, and in a tiny English village, in the 1950s, would have been anything but either so casual nonchalant ordinary or accepted), but considered it thoroughly preposterous that Sidney supposedly was already so madly in love (instantly) that, by a day or so later, he's not only wanting to (completely out of nowhere) devote the rest of his life to and marry Violet, but up and move to the US with her. And the fact that he horned in on Violet on the night of her brother's murder was incredibly callous - which I can't imagine her not feeling the same (and then some). Yet she seems gladly ready and waiting (despite that her father was presumably in the next room!). It all played 100% falsely to me, from beginning to end.

The writers played everything like in mindset and reality of 2019, rather than in the reality of a 1950s sheltered village. I'm pretty confident that in the 1950s no such couple would have decided, without giving the relationship considerable (as in weeks, if not months) time and contemplation, to marry, as there would have been any number of real concerns that a mixed-races couple would have had to take into consideration. That could have easily included not just Sidney, but Violet, winding up for all sorts of targeting - including very possibly of a violent and vicious nature. (In past generations sometimes women in interracial relationships were targeted for rape, to "teach them a lesson".) Too, there would have been the matter of inevitable eventual kids to think about, and what type of life would they be brought in to and have to face?
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