Goofy fun show brought down by animation style and excessive talking
9 March 2024
Rock Paper Scissors can be pretty comedic with character dynamics that are fun. The characters each stand out in their own way and the voices are okay. I do like that the show can get all out crazy with it's plots like one involving their car which becomes sentient and another involving Birthday police. The show can be all out crazy and I like it for that.

Although there are things about this show I think bring it down. Well, two are three particular things. One thing is just the excessive dialogue. Characters can just be constantly talking and expositing dialogue and that time spent just talking kind of makes you want to tune it out. It also affects the overall pacing of the show seeing characters just talk on the couch for a lot of the time.

The character designs have a lot to be desired. The main characters aren't awfully designed it's most of the side characters that just look like generically bad flash cartoon characters. There's some style here but humans just look awful. I've seen worse looking flash animation but this show is about middle of the road in that department not awful but just kind of bland looking.
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