6 March 2024
I'm a HUGE fan of Judge Milian. Watched her for years on The People's Court and absolutely loved her. She's super smart, knowledgeable, funny, compassionate and utterly entertaining. Like Judge Judy (another fave), she did not brook litigants' nonsense and lies. I loved when she threw the book at liars, fraudsters and idiots. I understand that The People's Court was cancelled, although I don't know why. Nevertheless, I'm very disappointed that Judge Milian has resorted to participating in a *scripted* court show. I presume it's about the money$. Justice for the People is truly awful. It's as if they've muzzled Judge Milian. And the actors/litigants are awful, too. But at least I can still watch the *real* Judge Milian on reruns of The People's Court. It's a thousand times better than this fake courtroom show. SMDH!
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