Mary & George (2024)
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
PROS: Great cast, including the always marvellous Julianne Moore and Tony Curran. Sumptuous sets, costumes and locations.

CONS: The plot was pedestrian, predictable and dull. No delicious twists or shocking turns were to be found. The cast gallumped along from one tedious plot development to the next. The dialogue was absolutely abysmal. No wit or bite. No cleverness. If you were just there for the sex and nudity, you'd be well catered for, and the endless parade of bare bums were beautifully filmed by golden candle light. However, if you were hoping for a well-crafted tale of ambition, power and palace intrigue, you'll probably be sound asleep mid-way through Episode 2.

The makers of toss like this should be made to watch I, Claudius on repeat.
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