Not the book but fun in its own right.
5 March 2024
This is a fun movie with Edmund Lowe playing Philo Vance. Also one of my favorite actors H. B. Warner as Major Fenwicke-Ralston; he was in 136 titles including "Topper Returns" (1941).

Screen Play by Bertram Millhouser. Because the first scene in the movie is a racetrack and the first location in the book is a rooftop garden the title is a little confusing to cinephiles that do not here the name of the first victim.

The opening scene is at a racetrack where all the characters get introduced. Floyd Garden (Douglas Walton) says "I have got to break my neck". Everyone puts it down as being moody however we as the observers already guessed the problem. Still, all in all, this movie makes for a pretty good murder mystery. As usual, it is always the last person you suspect (or it is supposed to be).

This is a keeper and worth rewatching.
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