Review of Super Size Me

Super Size Me (2004)
a garbage "documentary" about garbage food
5 March 2024
I remember when it came out and everyone (here in Europe) was like: wow, there's a guy eating this crap 3x a day, which no-one ever suggested you should do, and doesn't exercise and behold, apparently it's bad for him. So the whole premise has always been ridiculous on its face. And before and after that, I've hated the taste of McD burgers and I can barely stand the smell in their joints when I go to pick up their very reasonably priced coffees, which I enjoy, sue me.

But that's not the problem with this film, it's not crime pointing out the obvious, what should be a crime is that a life long barely functioning alcoholic (his words) and sexual deviant (beside the point, but also his words) pretend that eating 4 weeks of this garbage made him not only fat, but also destroyed his liver, which the doctors pointed out made no sense, and it didn't, it was because of the alcoholism, and I would have applauded McD suing that lying prick into oblivion and into debtor's prison, for making such a hype out of a ridiculous lie.

Again, don't feed your kids this trash to get them hooked on the "taste", absolutely don't let them take over your school lunch services, but for the right reasons, not because that drunk lied about it.
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