Review of Argylle

Argylle (2024)
Frumpy Catlady Action
5 March 2024
Anyone expecting something of the same standard as the Kingsman films will be disappointed. It has none of humour, action or style of these films.

Argyll is in fact a chick lit version of a spy movie aimed at teenage girls. Which is a problem because the main audience for this type of film is male. Again Hollywood making films for audiences that don't exist just to make a point. Now the main character in this movie is somewhat noticeably out of shape, which was obviously picked up on. Apparently the actor doesn't care, however the audience obviously does. People pay good money to watch these films and oh yeah every other actor in this showed up and in shape. Including the males. And this aspect is distracting because this is an action movie where being seen to be in shape matters when action is performed to be believable. If actors don't want to be judged on their looks, there is always voice acting.... In terms of the story this is one of those spy with amnesia affairs and my amnesia is kicking in because I have lost count of how many films use this trope and just how many Samuel L Jackson has appeared in so far. Another pointer of a bad movie is just how far up Sam Rockwell is in the cast list. Moon aside, anything he stars is a automatic B movie. This being an action movie there is obviously a lot of it but its tired. The fight scenes are pretty bad and are basically music videos with terrible songs and bad stylistic choices. They nullify any tension and menace of the violence turning them essentially into fluffy dance routines. Another sign this is aimed at young girls. Its no wonder so many people felt duped by this film based on the pedigree of the team. Its because this was intentionally mis-sold to get bums on seats. If they were intending on using this to kick start a franchise, they should check just how many people made reference to walking out of this in the review section.
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