Escape Plan (2013)
"You hit like a vegetarian..."
5 March 2024
I really enjoyed this movie, I am changing the format for my reviews now, I will no longer do the pros and cons, I will now do a whole paragraph of review, and I will keep the "in conclusion" part. So here I go with my review:

Escape plan in my opinion is a very good movie, it offers a lot more than you would expect. Stallone and Schwarzenegger team up to escape an inescapable (if that is a word) prison. The prison seems to be in the middle of nowhere and seems to be....very, very brutal. Stallone plays a guy who breaks out of prisons for a living in order to test the security level and flaws in the prison, and then he gets sent to this prison is certainly harder to escape. The acting from Stallone and Schwarzenegger were great in my opinion, and I found that Caviezel's performance was great as well. The plot is very original, I have seen many prison break out movies, but this one is different than that, this is not any prison break movie. What they are in is not a is worse than that, calling it simply a truly brutal prison would be an understatement. As I said, you see prison break movies everyday, but you do not see it as a living in movies everyday. So the plot is truly original, the part where this movie loses points for me is the realism level. It is....rather low. Without spoiling anything, there are many plot holes and the prison that they are in is very unrealistic, and it seems to include sci-fi elements. Now, if this film were labelled as a semi-sci-fi, I would not have an issue with that. But it isn't. And there are several extremely implausible moments in this film. But apart from the realism, it truly is a smart action movie. The cinematography is phenomenal, great sound effects, audio, graphics, soundtrack is good, and overall the cinematography is almost perfect. The pacing is perfect as well. And before I get to the ending, I would like to add that throughout the film there are several moments where it shows characters trying to save Stallone's character when they are not in the prison with him, we do not care about these characters in the slightest and it feels like it shows them working on a plan to break him out to make the movie longer. It does not serve any purpose. And now I get to the ending.....the ending was...corny....and it was decieving to everything we just watched. Without spoiling, it is what tries to be a plot twist in relationship. Escaping the prison was great (yes they escape the prison, that is not a spoiler, if I told you how, then it would be), but then it gets to the plot twist which is completely useless. It would have been better without a plot twist.

In conclusion: Plot: 9.4/10, very original I loved the plot idea and how it progressed.

Acting: 9.2/10, great acting from the main characters, and good acting from the supporting actors.

Directing: 10/10, perfect pacing and directing.

Cinematography: 9.6/10, really good except sometimes in the action scenes you can tell that they are not really fighting, it is nice when you forge that, no big deal.

Ending: 7.0/10, not a great ending because of the "plot twist", but everything leading up to it was good.

Entertainment value: 9.3/10, the scenes where it cuts away from the prison suck, apart from that, very fun to watch.

Emotional impact: 7.2/10, there is one supposed emotional scene that does not do the job fantastically, but it should do it just fine if you are sensitive.

Characters: 8.4/10, well developed.

Realism: 6.8/10, as I said, not very realistic.

Final rating: 85.4%
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