The Regime (2024)
4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love almost any movie or TV Show Kate Winslet stars in but in this particular movie I am struggling to get into a comfortable viewing attitude and acceptance.

Perhaps it's the lack of any history that describes how Kate's Chancellor came into power or how the mold and bacteria became so pervasive in the palace. There just seems to be too many open ended issues that needed to be filled before the first episode went into full presentation.

However the most annoying thing about this episode is what the hell is going on with Kate Winslet's drooping lower lip? Unless this is indicative of how her facial expressions appear when she is speaking in her natural English language and we have never seen this before or it is an intentional "tic" that Kate has opted to include in her portrayal who knows. But whatever it is it is annoying as hell and distracts significantly from her performance and character. Sort of like Mike Meyer's face mole in Austin Meyers.

Can anyone explain the erratic dropping lower lip on the left side 'cause I'm really confused as to what benefit it offers to her character? Lol.
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