High Society (1956)
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
4 March 2024
I generally avoid musicals, particularly of this era simply because men in general do not rate them that highly. However I did enjoy Grace Kelly in Rear Window so decided to give this a shot. Although I didn't actually know this was a musical and it can be hard to tell as many films of this decade seem to have an overture of a band playing at the start. Which for some reason doesn't always equate to it being a musical.

After the overture we join Louis Armstrong and his band heading towards a mansion where Grace is to be married, however her ex played by Bing lives next door and isn't keen on losing her out of his life completely. Sinatra and partner play journalists tasked with covering the wedding for a magazine. What follows is a love triangle, or rather love square, when all three men make moves on Grace while she hums and haws about who she wants to marry. Its not that great a story and the musical numbers seem a bit stale. Its difficult to say what if any message the movie has but its worth a watch for Grace Kelly. I must admit to feeling perplexed as to the star qualities of Bing and Frank, they just came across as run of the mill actors in this.

I suppose this movie was well known at the time for the Millionaire song, but the scene it appears was hardly memorable. Not a patch on Rear Window but worth you time regardless.
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