Class Action Park - *** out of *****
3 March 2024
Let's get the obvious out of the way - do NOT watch this before going on vacation. As a documentary, it's just OK, but the events discussed here are absolutely mind-boggling. It's practically impossible to comprehend what was allowed to happen at Action Park, and it's equally unfathomable to understand why anyone would frequent this place considering its reputation and the fact that PEOPLE HAVE DIED HERE. You know, life is too precious to risk life and limb by testing a shoddy water slide for a hundred bucks. As angry as I was at the people responsible for Action Park, I found myself just as angry at the people who stood in line and made it popular. The film itself is very one-sided, which is the kiss of death for a documentary. There's a lot of placing blame and not a lot of accepting responsibility. It all gets to be a little monotonous after a while, and, with the exception of a couple scenes, I felt like it takes the subject a bit too lightly. It's definitely worth a look - there were times my jaw was practically on the floor. But, again, don't watch it before vacation.
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