No Way Up (2024)
A Dive into Unconvincing Realms
2 March 2024
The movie immerses the viewer in a gripping survival story that sounds familiar but promises a new perspective on the struggle of humans against the elements. In this cinematic work, a group of friends, faced with a disaster, finds themselves deep under the sea after a plane crash, where they must fight for their lives in conditions far removed from civilization and comfort.

However, despite the promise of novelty, the film elicits mixed feelings. On the one hand, the idea seems fresh and promising; on the other, the characters' actions sometimes appear illogical and insubstantial, undermining belief in the realism of the events. The survivors make up the most unexpected company, including an elderly woman, a retired bodyguard, a young girl with indomitable spirit, and a couple of whiners, introducing a certain dissonance to the viewer's expectations of the plot.

Moreover, the script occasionally behaves capriciously, offering illogical twists, such as sharks swimming into the fuselage of the airplane, which goes beyond acceptable fantasy and undermines the sense of immersion in the plot.

The rescue operation, seemingly adding dynamics to the film, also awaits the viewer with shortcomings in logic and execution, making the outcome of the film predictable and depriving it of potential tension and drama.

Ultimately, the movie leaves behind the impression of a missed opportunity to tell a captivating survival story from a new angle. The film certainly has potential and offers the viewer moments of tension and interest, but the overall feeling of incompleteness and missed opportunities remains the main chord of this cinematic work.

Additionally, to the previously mentioned remarks about the film "no way up," it's worth noting another aspect that causes bewilderment and irritation: heart-wrenching dialogues at the most critical moments. Characters, finding themselves in extreme conditions, inexplicably begin to share personal memories and stories from childhood, which are utterly inappropriate in the given situation. These inserts, presumably intended to deeply reveal characters and add emotional coloring, in fact, look artificial and distract from the main action. Instead of uniting the viewer and the characters, these moments break the internal dynamics of the plot and emphasize the lack of logic in the behavior of the heroes, who should have focused all their efforts on survival, not on sharing personal stories.

These moments question the priorities of the scriptwriters and director, making the cinematic work less convincing and reducing its emotional resonance with the audience. Overall, despite the ambitiousness of the project and the strive for innovation in the survival genre, "no way up" leaves the viewer with a feeling of disappointment due to inconsistencies in the plot and the unconvincing nature of the characters.

2 out of 10.
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