Whats with the pile of 10 star ratings?
2 March 2024
This movie shows that just how below our intellect is. Both as nation and as individual, all we want is to take everything.

The movie is by far an illusionary reflection of reality. And one of the clear indication is the pile of 10 star ratings with no objective review.

Unreal, fake and a mockery of statistical data collection. A serious survey would bring out max 3 ratings. That is being marginal.

Even the best movie on the whole IMDB has 9 ratings but this seems to surpass all. So dis all Pakistani films and industry. It has all the wrong direction moves, typical south-indian story line, no critical thinking, and the usual cheap acting by useful actors (except Mr. Fahad who is a total fake). I'm not sure when we're going to grow bring the lowest threshold of stupidity.
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