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2 March 2024
Euro-cult icon Paul Naschy plays Jack Surnett, leader of a criminal gang. After a botched heist, the gang heads for the hills, and Surnett is seriously wounded by police during the getaway. Only a brain transplant can save Surnett now, and, as fate would have it, there is a professor (Ricardo Palmerola) out there specializing in that sort of thing. Surnetts' gang goes out and steals a donor brain, from none other than Surnetts' biggest rival, a goon dubbed The Sadist (Roberto Mauri). Naturally, as Surnett revives, he comes under the influence of The Sadists' brain, becoming even more depraved & violent.

This sounded like it had the makings of a solid exploitation-crime flick (with a touch of horror), but alas it's all rather flat and unexciting. Director Juan Fortuny relates the story at a snails' pace, with too many unnecessary detours. Worst of all, this is a Paul Naschy film in which Naschy BARELY APPEARS, at least until the final 20 or so minutes as Surnett begins to unravel.

There is *some* decent gore, and there are certainly *some* amusing moments (such as two henchmen, Paul (Claude Boisson) and Karl (Victor Israel) getting squeamish in regards to severing The Sadists' head. So they wait for a train to do the job for them!

The cast is good, although the English dubbing is pretty cheesy as it is for so many of these types of movies. Carlos Otero is especially effective as the pathetic Doc Ritter, while Israel, sporting glasses and a bushy mustache, amuses as the weaselly Karl.

This likely won't appeal to Naschy fans across the board, although I *will* say that, yes, it is indeed an atypical effort for the Spanish genre star. People bemoaning the dearth of sex & nudity should be aware that there IS an alternate cut running about 10 minutes longer that has more of what they want.

Six out of 10.
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