When a movie lies in every way...
1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The worst thing that can happen with movies, when creators totally mislead viewers with basic things, like for example GENRE.

No, not with story, with genre. I would have been so angry, if i would watch this in the cinema... lucky me, i watched this at home. But man... This is marketed as a prehistoric creature feature in the trailer, in the commercials, in the descriptions... everywhere... People will go and see it becouse they WANT a creature feature.

All will be disappointed. Becouse the movie won't reach to the people who would look for a prehistoric hunting drama. Its not that. Lies. There is no monster, dont bother if u wanted one.

But even if there is no creature, i still find the movie lacking... however, the landscapes were beautiful... thats the four star. Its very important to market a movie for the right audience, unless u want people to be disappointed in mass.
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