OK if you are new to the world of SoBIG ('so bad it's good'); otherwise, of limited interest
28 February 2024
This 2004 compilation of 'worst' movies includes many of the usual suspects and doesn't provide much information beyond what is now readably available on Wikipedia, IMDB etc. "Worst' is subjective and I'm sure that many people will object to inclusions and/or omissions (IMO 'Black Belt Jones' is a reasonably good film for its genre and any cinema-merde list must include 'Manos: The Hands of Fate'). Clips from these kinds of films are always entertaining, as is the advertising, the 'teasers' and the marketing hyperbole, but this compilation's commentary is smug and superficial. If this is the first look at a collection of this type, it's OK; but if you are already an aficionado of celluloid-crap, this opus offers little new (admittedly, it has inspired me to watch 'Bloodsucking Freaks' on TUBI).
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