Firecracker (2024)
Andrew Lee Potts Electrifies
28 February 2024
I had the pleasure of reviewing Andrew Lee Potts' thriller Firecracker. All I can say is wow. Potts certainly outdoes your expectations in his directorial outing. It's said first impressions are the most important. Andrew Lee has proven himself onscreen in various projects that showcase his acting chops such as The Witcher, Syfy's miniseries Alice, and Primeval. He delivers again with Firecracker; his directorial debut. All of the right choices are made here; from the stylistic cinematography, to scoring and editing. Also fans of his work are in for a treat, with Andrew Lee Potts in front of-and behind-the camera!

The story concerns a trio of misfits-including Jack (portrayed by an electrifying Andrew Lee Potts) following a heist gone sideways against the thrilling backdrop of Bonfire Night. Potts more than holds his own pulling double duty as actor and director, and proves himself worthy of the task. I hope to see more projects helmed by Andrew, and others like him with a keen eye on the pulse of filmmaking.

Definitely check this out!
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