Breathtaking (2024)
Dr Abbey's journey to the heart of darkness.
27 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
During the pandemic I watched a news item broadcast from the London Hospital where a young doctor I had known a few years earlier as a bright idealistic medical student changed into premature middle age with the thousand yard stare of a person who has seen too much death and suffering for two lifetimes.

Faced with the biggest health emergency in its history,the NHS was like a rabbit in the headlights. As in so many public institutions it comprises of too many chiefs and not enough Indians.

Tragically if predictably this monolithic organisation froze from the top down,leaving its frontline workers to fend for themselves.

'Breathtaking' tells of the frustrations and disasters suffered by the doctors and nurses and patients as the disease took its toll on the unsuspecting population.

There is no 'acting',no egos are on view.

This is stripped - down semi - documentary TV production at its best.

One hundred thousand people died,countless others suffered pain and bereavement.

'Breattaking tells it as it was.

He Horror. The Horror.
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