Electric star turn from Joanne Woodward
26 February 2024
Having first hand knowledge of schizophrenia I can say that this film about multiple personality disorder is a different thing in nearly all respects. The only similar thing is the voice Eve hears at one point in her head.

Eve White (Joanne Woodward) is where we find her first, married to Ralph (David Wayne) and the mother of a little girl. The couple go to a friendly psychiatrist (Lee J. Cobb) who gently asks Eve what troubles her. He treats her first without really knowing tge problem, until one day in his office, Eve suddenly turns on a different personality to the dowdy Eve White, becoming Eve Black. And what a transformation. I can see what attracted her real husband to be, Paul Newman. Joanne Woodward is surely one of the greatest actresses to ever grace the silver screen. Here, just as she was in several other early films in her career, she wipes other actors off the screen almost. Personally I find her up there with Marilyn Monroe in her expression of sexuality on screen, an underrated, vision of loveliness I can't see enough of, at least at this age. Her southern drawl is like icing on the cake to this English man who only hears this in the movies.

I won't say more about the plot, based on a real case, in case of spoilers, but what I know is, I've waited all my life to see this Oscar Winner and finally I have and it's glorious. Just sorry now that Joanne, at 94 this week, has dementia.
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