The Palace (2023)
Executive Producers: READ. THE. SCRIPT.
25 February 2024
Film Money listen up: next time someone pitches you a film, put aside the reputations of the talent attached and READ THE EFFING SCRIPT ALL THE WAY THROUGH, okay? Don't just say to yourself, "Well, it's got Polanski and Cleese and Ardant, so... yeah!" READ!

If it's nothing more than silos of self-contained stories with only The Man In Charge running frantically between them trying to keep Armageddon from happening, then it's all been overdone many times before and it's not worth putting your good money after bad.

Sadly, Daddy Warbucks didn't read the script for "The Palace"; he just forked over more than $18,000,000 based on the Polanski-Cleese-Ardant package and never looked back.

If he had, he would have seen an atrocity on film. A murder of reputations. A tragedy of a comedy. In short, an embarrassment.

I noticed on Rotten Tomatoes that critics gave this film a 6%, while viewers gave it a 65%. If ever there was a time to fear that these viewers are the same people wildly entertained by the fictional TV series "Ow, My Balls!" featured in the film "Idiocracy," now is that time.

If you don't heed my advice, the next thing you'll do is put untold millions into "Dude, Where's My Car 2: Lost At the Mall."

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