BioShock 2 (2010 Video Game)
BIOSHOCK 2: Big Daddy & Little Sister
25 February 2024
BIOSHOCK 2, might not have received as much praise as its predecessor and perhaps it might have appeared less original, but I've always played it as a direct continuation of the previous game, albeit under a different character perspective. Bioshock 2 is a chance to delve deeper into the mesmerizing sunken city known as Rapture, to explore it more thoroughly.

"In 1968, the first successfully-bonded Big Daddy is reawakened to save his Little Sister from the clutches of Rapture's new leader, Sofia Lamb."

Perhaps these were deleted scenes from the first game, hacksawed and frankenstiened scenes and places, shaping it into its own entity. I care not. I love Rapture so much, that further exploration of it's leaking walls and cracking halls shouldn't need excuse.

BIOSHOCK 2 was a worthy sequel to the masterpiece that was the first Bioshock. It was nearly as compelling and takes place a few years after the events of the previous game. This game is aesthetically similar and almost as immersive as the first game, with more areas of Rapture to be explored, plus new and old characters added to the mix.

Overall, I loved the sequel, as it adds to the legacy of Bioshock rather than detracting, as many sequels tend to do. This game is captivating, super-fun and filled with more fascinating lore and is a wonderful expansion of Rapture, with similar, if not the same controls and graphics. Great play!
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