"Kimetsu no Yaiba Kizuna no Kiseki, Soshite Hashira Geiko e" is not a masterpiece, its script is simple but its animation is worth it.
25 February 2024
"Kimetsu no Yaiba Kizuna no Kiseki, Soshite Hashira Geiko e" is the new film based on the manga and anime, a film whose animation is incredible but the script does not tell the viewer much, this is due to the union of a couple of broadcast episodes in the anime and that are presented as a new cinematographic installment, therefore, the editing usually gives confusing scenes and the story at one point in the film seems to have no reason to exist as such, becoming repetitive and incoherent, especially if you do not fully know the anime episodes and the idea behind putting a couple of episodes together as a "new" movie. "Kimetsu no Yaiba Kizuna no Kiseki, Soshite Hashira Geiko e" is not a masterpiece, its script is simple but its animation is worth it.
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