Review of Phoenix

Breaking Bad: Phoenix (2009)
Season 2, Episode 12
Born from the ashes
23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Walt has successfully gone through with Gus' deal, yet refuses to pay Jesse his half because he has been getting high with Jane.

Jane blackmails Walt and threatens to expose his identity if he doesn't give Jesse his money.

In the night, Walt arrives at Jesse's apartment to talk to him. However, he finds Jane, lying on her back and choking on her vomit due to the drug's influence. Within a few seconds, he must make the decision of whether to save her or whether to let her die. Seeing all the trouble that Jane has caused him, Walt decides to end her life.

This is one of the most brutal scenes in the show. With the amount of chemistry and energy that there has been between Jesse and Jane, this scene is gut-wrenching. They really had to insert the cutest moments between the two in this episode, from ranking Jesse's high school drawings to their plans of moving to New Zealand before killing her off.

I feel that this episode's title is metaphorical for Walt embracing his position as a cold-hearted drug lord. From the ashes if his unfulfilling life, he is now rising up as a flaming phoenix, embracing his hatred, cold-bloodedness and ego.
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