Great job by Joan Collins; Ray Milland is always a treat; Farley Grainger was a revelation.
21 February 2024
Great actors here. Joan Collins did a beautiful job. It was supposed to be Marilyn Monroe. It seemed kind was a better fit.

Good acting always by Ray Milland, and their love seemed authentic but corrupted. It's not clear. Implement why she married granger character as he didn't provide enough calm, stability, peace. Granger did an excellent job being spoiled and unbridled and obsessed.

Some good twists and turns and Edie silly on the witness stand. Hard to imagine someone sort of defending your husband who created a murder f your favorite lover. And the turn of the mother in law was chilling.

The downside of this romantic story is that a lot of it is Hollywood washed. The Millard character didn't really love Joan's character. He was a huge womanizer. And di everyone was less caring, less invested, and it just made it all unsavory lives, although interesting.
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