Let's be honest...
21 February 2024
You don't watch this movie for the story. Or the special effects. You watch it because of the stupid humor, tongue in cheek jabs at fantasy tropes.

Go into this movie with the lowest expectations possible and you'll enjoy it.

The really bad green screening, panning and outright over the top acting are part of this spoof charm.

It's apparent they spent their budget on the single Orc character as it was the closest thing to B-grade they get. It felt like some college students got stoned and made the movie in film school. Probably not too far from the mark as I learned after the movie it was a kickstarter with a $216k budget.

I enjoy a stupid level comedy on occasion. Movies like Kung-Pow, Kung Fu Hustle, Shaolin Soccer, and even Your Highness to name a few.

This movie falls short of making the list of my "desire to rewatch it one day" (in its entirety). I however will probably pull up certain scenes just for the laugh.

The story - 2/10 The score - 2/10 The comedy - 5/10 The special effects - 3/10.

Hotties - 8/10

Smoke a bowl, lower your expectations and watch the movie. I promise it's at least better than sitting through a grade school play.
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